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Embrace the Winter Magic: Woven Women's Winter Solstice Celebration

Hello, sweet soul sisters, As the days grow shorter and the air turns crisp, a special magic in the winter season beckons us to come together in celebration. This Winter Solstice, we extend a warm and heartfelt invitation to our Woven Women to join us in embracing the enchanting energy of this celestial event.

Our Winter Solstice celebration is a time of connection, reflection, and empowerment as we gather to honor the longest night and welcome the return of the sun.

Welcoming the Feminine Spirit:

Honoring spiritual sisterhood and the many ancient traditions that gathered with the divine feminine to celebrate this sacred gateway, we invite our Woven Women to join as a conscious community that values each individual's unique strengths, perspectives, and wisdom. The Winter Solstice is a time to honor the feminine energy that resides within us all, connecting us to the cycles of nature and the ebb and flow of life. Whether you are a seasoned solstice celebrant or a newcomer to this ancient tradition, your presence is a cherished addition to our gathering.

Connection and Community:

One of the most beautiful aspects of the Winter Solstice is the opportunity it provides for us to connect with one another on a deeper level. As we come together to celebrate this season of reflection, we create a supportive and nurturing space where friendships can blossom and a sense of community can flourish. Share stories, laughter, and the warmth of companionship as we stand together in the glow of the solstice fire.

Activities and Rituals:

Fill your cup!! Our Winter Solstice celebration is carefully crafted with rituals that nurture mind, body, and spirit. This circle will include fireside storytelling, solstice intention weaving, candlelight cacao ceremony, and guided meditation.

4:00 pm - via Zoom - please join us with a cup of your favorite warm and cozy (chai, cacao, tea, etc). We will start the ceremonial fire and warm ourselves in the glow of goddess girlfriends. Light a candle, burn incense and/or sage, prepare 5:30 pm - in person, Gulfport - following the 4 pm falala, we will meet and merge in the candlelight and bask in the beautiful afterglow continuing to flow with magic and mystery around the fireplace, aligning and activating with the energies of this sacred solstice celebration.

Nurturing Mind, Body, and Spirit:

As we navigate the winter season, it's essential to prioritize self-care and well-being. Our celebration is designed to nourish your spirit, mind, and body. Bring a dish to share, enjoy wholesome seasonal treats, engage in mindful practices, and revel in the beauty of sisterhood as we come together to honor the magic of the Winter Solstice. The Zoom link will be sent via email on the 17th around 3:30 pm. If you are not on the list or did not receive it, please call or text Nana at 828.337.5512. Interested in joining Woven? Experience the magic of a sacred sisterhood. Woven is a one-year journey that takes us through all life seasons together. You receive support, kindness, and appreciation for your participation. We meet once a month and explore the unique energies of the times with themes and topics that align us to harness our powers and weave blessings into our lives. We also weave blessings into our collective, blessing the planet and humanity. Woven will fill you with focus, purpose, and direction. It is a monthly mile marker and a compass pointing you inward, upward, and onward toward your goals and dreams. Be seen, heard, and appreciated for who you are!

Woven Women Cacao Ceremony
Woven Women Winter Solstice Celebration


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