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My World Has Widened to Include a Deeper Knowing

I am so grateful to be part of Woven Women which has been a rich source of nourishment, connection and inspiration in my life over these past two years.

Creating and building this tribe from her access to divine guidance and inspiration, Nana has gathered an ever-growing group of amazing woman to join together in love and support with an energy that ripples both inward and outward changing each one of us and changing the world.

I so looked forward to gathering each month for a powerful dose of the exponential power of goddesses gathered together from all over the world and listened rapt to each ‘spot-light’ as each month one of the circle shared her journey and opened her heart.

My world has widened to include a deeper knowing of woman I already knew while welcoming delightful new friendships with other woman on this journey of shining a light on what matters most, our connections to one another and to the divine.

Nana’s inspirations and gorgeous meditations made these monthly gatherings a sacred space in which I was able to enter a holy place emerging renewed and refreshed, knowing that I could be vulnerable and would always be held in safety and love.

I cannot say how grateful I am to be a thread in this ever-expanding tapestry. Aho. Amen. Ase.

Anne Nayer, St Thomas, USVI

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